Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Grand Trivia Question #7 (Answered by Jane)

D-Day Brass

Henry Fonda played the part of our mystery person
in the movie,
The Longest Day.

Who was the highest ranking American officer to wade ashore in Normandy in the first wave of attack on D-Day, June 6, 1944? By the way, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his valor that day and was one-half of the only father/son pair in the invading forces on the "Longest Day".

Update: Cousin Jane wins the prize! The Answer is below.

Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
Gen. Roosevelt's son, Quentin, also participated in the D-Day invasion. His father, the late President, was also awarded the Medal of Honor -- Posthumously for his charge up that San Juan hill in the
Spanish-American War.

Check it out here.


Blogger Terrell said...

Congratulations, Jane!!
Yes it's Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. His son, Quentin Roosevelt was elsewhere on the beaches at Normandy.

2:01 PM  

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